Brands that you probably know and remember.

When deciding your branding, one thing for sure is choosing a unique design. Here are some of the most famous and recognizable illustration-based logos.
Illustrative logos communicate the unique character and story of your brand, setting you apart from competitors.
Illustrative logos are a powerful tool for brand storytelling and creating an emotional bond with your audience. Illustration based logos do more than identify your business; they narrate your brand’s journey and values.
See which ones you remember:

Ones I remember well are Starbucks, the KFC guy, Gerber, Wella, Dunkin' Donuts, Eagles, Wendy's, and my childhood favorite: the Chicken of the Sea mermaid!

What logos do you remember!? Maybe your logo will be the next iconic, treasured logo of future generations!
Creating a unique and memorable brand is a priority for business owners when deciding a brand. CONTACT MEÂ for your unique branding.